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Circumnavigating the world by Tandem Bike

In the adventure of a lifetime, George Agate and John Whybrow are attempting to become the first people to Circumnavigate the Earth by Tandem Bicycle.

We recently caught up with the Tandem Men who are now almost at the finish line with under 2000 miles to go to find out about their experience so far and and why they undertook this crazy Guinness World Record in the first place. 

The boys are also raising funds to support 3 amazing charities, Porchlight, WaterAid and Great Ormond Street Hospital. Please help them reach their target of £100,000 and donate now on the following link: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/thetandemmen

Make sure you stay tuned towards the end of the interview for some helpful tips from the boys on how to ride Tandem effectively.

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