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Quad Lock News

Combine OtterBox and LifeProof with Quad Lock

We make cases for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S devices, but we often get asked if it's possible to integrate Quad Lock with other cases, such as OtterBox® and LifeProof.

Well, the answer is yes! Let's show you how using an OtterBox® Defender phone case and a Quad Lock Universal Adaptor.

Prefer the written version. Read on...

How to combine OtterBox Defender with Quad Lock Universal Adaptor

Step 1. Using Masking Tape, mask up the adaptor location on the OtterBox Defender

Step 2. Align the Quad Lock Universal Adaptor with the case

Step 3. Trace around the Quad Lock Universal Adaptor with a pen

Step 4. Use a knife to cut the rubber along the traced line

Step 5. Remove the rubber section from the case

Step 6. Use an alcohol based cleaner to clean the surface

Step 6. Dry surface thoroughly

Step 7. Peel off 3M® self adhesive backing from Quad Lock Universal Adaptor

Step 8. Place adaptor into cutout area, applying even pressure

Step 9. OtterBox® Defender is ready to use with Quad Lock mounting system

Get the Universal Adaptor

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Adaptadores Universales Universal

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