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3 Ways to Use Your Quad Lock Ring/Stand

Looking for a more secure hold of your phone or hands-free viewing while watching your favourite Netflix series? The Quad Lock Phone Ring/Stand is the perfect accessory for your Quad Lock Case or Universal Adaptor.

Keep scrolling to see our top 3 ways to use it!

#1 Hands-free viewing

Our favourite way to use the Quad Lock Ring/Stand is for hands-free viewing. Nothing is more liberating than setting your phone down at your ideal angle to watch your favourite show during your lunch break!

#2 Selfie mode!

If you’re clumsy then our Quad Lock Ring/Stand works a treat when you need a little extra security when taking selfies or just in your daily life. Simply slide your finger in the ring to ensure your phone won’t slip out of your hands when taking the perfect snap.

#3 No pockets? No problem!

The Quad Lock Ring/Stand especially comes in handy when you don’t have enough hands or pockets to carry everything - use it as a handle to free up both hands to carry other important items.

For inspiration… take a look at how some of our awesome Quad Lock users utilise the Quad Lock Ring/Stand!

Leave a comment below of what your favourite way to use the Quad Lock Ring/Stand is or share a photo online! Use @quadlockcase and hashtag #quadlock to be featured on our Instagram.

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