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World Bicycle Day - 3rd June, 2022

Happy World Bicycle Day from Quad Lock!

Today we celebrate one of our favourite modes of transportation: the bicycle.

What is World Bicycle Day?

World Bicycle Day (June 3rd, 2022) is a day to recognise the transformative impact of bicycles on society in the past, present, to future. With its uniqueness and versatility, the bicycle can hold the power to transform the physical and mental health of individuals, the economy, and the environment.

So, how should you celebrate today?

Get on your bike and ride! No matter where you live or how old you are, use this day to celebrate the joys of riding a bicycle.

Plan a ride

Whether it be with your friends and family around your local park or a brisk ride to work, get ready to explore your surroundings from a different perspective. Easily navigate your trip by using your smartphone with our Quad Lock bike mount to guide you around on your ride.

Spread the word

Invite those around you to participate. Online or offline, come together as a community and share your experience with those around you. Don’t feel like leaving the house? Join a Zwift ride from your house and connect virtually with people across the world to celebrate today.

Get riding!

This step is simple - go out there and enjoy the ride, community, and have fun!

To celebrate further, we asked a few of our favourite female cyclists what cycling means to them and their responses warmed our heart. Watch the video below:

We would also like to give a shout out to some of our favourite Quad Lock ambassadors to help encourage this movement by sharing their cycling journeys. Check out their awesome Instagrams!

Lael Wilcox @laelwilcox
Anton Krupicka @antonkrupicka
Yulia Kosteniuk @kostyulia
Chris Froome @chrisfroome
What is World Bicycle Relief?

Not only is the bicycle a simple and affordable way to travel, but a means of enabling sustainable development, and stimulating job and education opportunities for people across the world. This is why Quad Lock is proud to support the World Bicycle Relief initiative to provide bikes to help mobilise communities in developing countries.

World Bicycle Relief provides reliable transportation in the form of the Buffalo Bikes to aid jobs and assist poverty stricken communities in everyday activities. The programmes focus primarily on education, economic development, health care and gender equality - making education and healthcare more accessible for young children and women across the world.

How can you support?

Go to the Quad Lock Fundraising Page to find our donation page or visit worldbicyclerelief.org to find out more information.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get riding!

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